| Name | Address | Create date | Unsatisfactory conditions |
Dobev 71, 397 01 Dobev
| 5/22/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Strongly neglected cleaning
Accumulation of waste
BILLA, spol. s r. o.
Jana Drdy 529, 261 01 Příbram
| 5/20/2024 |
Occurrence of insects
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Dvořákova 242, 273 71 Zlonice
| 5/17/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Occurrence of insects
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Filth on the floor
Anděl back s.r.o.
Trousilova 1064/4, 182 00 Praha
| 5/7/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Globus ČR, v.o.s.
Jana Zajíce 982, 530 12 Pardubice
| 5/7/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
1. máje 258/42, 742 35 Odry
| 5/7/2024 |
Occurrence of insects
Strongly neglected cleaning
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
FLOSMAN s.r.o.
Pražská 676, 373 41 Hluboká nad Vltavou
| 5/7/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Strongly neglected cleaning
Damage of the walls
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Droinvest s.r.o.
Žáky 3, 286 01 Žáky
| 5/6/2024 |
Unavailable warm water supply - hygienic cleaning of dishes and glass impossible
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Unseparated basins for washing hands and tools
Renovation in progress
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Size or organisation of the premises for production of foodstuffs fail to ensure good hygiene practice
Size or organisation of the premises for storing of foodstuffs fail to ensure good hygiene practice
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Cesta Svobody 220/20, 251 01 Říčany
| 5/6/2024 |
Occurrence of insects
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Damage of the walls
Damage of the floor
Albert Česká republika, s.r.o.
Mazurská 488, 181 00 Praha 8 - Trója
| 5/1/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of insects
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Penny Market s.r.o.
Višňová 3129, 434 01 Most
| 5/1/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Maškovka s.r.o.
Frýdlantská 285/16, 460 01 Liberec
| 4/29/2024 |
Occurrence of insects
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Damage of the walls
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Opavská 2/18, 747 71 Brumovice
| 4/26/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Strongly neglected cleaning
Zvolenská 989, 386 01 Strakonice
| 4/26/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Velké Svatoňovice 388, 542 35 Velké Svatoňovice
| 4/25/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Occurrence of insects
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
2 M GASTRO s.r.o.
Wolkerova 2005/30, 350 02 Cheb
| 4/24/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the equipment
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Damage of the ceiling
Corrosion of metal construction (shelves)
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
A&F Global Services s.r.o.
Kanovnická 390/11, 370 01 České Budějovice
| 4/22/2024 |
Occurrence of insects
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
MARADOST67 s.r.o.
Jungmannova 1463/1, 750 02 Přerov
| 4/18/2024 |
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Unavailable warm water supply - hygienic cleaning of dishes and glass impossible
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the equipment
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Occurrence of mould on the ceiling
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Damage of the walls
Damage of the ceiling
Premises used also for activities irrelevant to the food business operation
Size or organisation of the premises for storing of foodstuffs fail to ensure good hygiene practice
Smell on the workshop
Torgretail CZ s.r.o.
J. E. Purkyně 274, 434 01 Most
| 4/17/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Filth on the floor
Anna Dobrá
Chebská 286/51, 322 00 Plzeň
| 4/17/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Mořina 5, 267 17 Mořina
| 4/16/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of insects
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Accumulation of waste
Filth on shelves or equipment
Katarina Sikorová
Dolní Lomná 209, 739 91 Dolní Lomná
| 4/16/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
NTH FOODS s.r.o.
Libušská 319/126, 142 00 Praha
| 4/16/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
ČIROKS s.r.o.
U Jednoty 160, 267 21 Tmaň
| 4/15/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of insects
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Damage of the walls
Damage of the ceiling
Corrosion of metal construction (shelves)
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Restaurace a penzion U Kaštanů, s.r.o.
Rosnice 8, Karlovy Vary
| 4/12/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Filth on shelves or equipment
Damage of the ceiling
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Torgretail CZ s.r.o.
J. E. Purkyně 274, 434 01 Most
| 4/12/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Damage of the walls
Size or organisation of the premises for sale of foodstuffs fail to ensure good hygiene practice
Size or organisation of the premises for storing of foodstuffs fail to ensure good hygiene practice
Na Březince 1232/16, 150 00 Praha
| 4/9/2024 |
Strongly neglected cleaning
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Damage of the walls
Damage of the floor
Damage of the ceiling
Corrosion of metal construction (shelves)
Komenského 914/31, 779 00 Olomouc
| 4/9/2024 |
Unavailable warm water supply - hygienic cleaning of dishes and glass impossible
Unavailable running water supply
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Failure to ensure waste water runoff
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Mukařovského 1985/5, 158 00 Praha
| 4/8/2024 |
Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
BestPrice Food s.r.o.
Vysoká 110, 269 01 Rakovník
| 4/8/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of live mice
Occurrence of insects
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Unavailable warm water supply - hygienic cleaning of dishes and glass impossible
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Occurrence of mould on the ceiling
Pavel Valenta
Oskava parc. číslo 398/3, 788 01 Oskava
| 4/4/2024 |
Toilets out of order
Strong fouling of entire premises
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Damage of the ceiling
ZD Gastro s.r.o.
Dr. Sedláka 937, 33901 Klatovy
| 4/4/2024 |
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the ceiling
Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Damage of the ceiling
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
Trinelion Investment, s.r.o.
Horní Žďár 1, 363 01 Ostrov
| 4/2/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Plzeňská 66, 364 01 Toužim
| 4/2/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Unavailable warm water supply - hygienic cleaning of dishes and glass impossible
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Lidická 588/33, 360 01 Karlovy Vary
| 3/22/2024 |
Unavailable warm water supply - hygienic cleaning of dishes and glass impossible
Strongly neglected cleaning
Fouled kitchen equipment
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Damage of the walls
Premises used also for storing of items that could have impact on food quality or safety
Premises used also for activities irrelevant to the food business operation
Corrosion of metal construction (shelves)
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs
V lužích 735/6, 142 00 Praha
| 3/22/2024 |
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Inappropriate storing of foodstuffs