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Unsatisfactory conditions: Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Restaurant MADHUBAN s.r.o.
Táborská 456/157, 615 00 Brno
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Filth on the floor
Xuân Đông Lé
Retail Xuân Đông Lé
Sněžnická 205, 407 01 Jílové
Occurrence of mice excrements
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Wholesale MARVELOUS s.r.o.
Libušská 319/126, 142 00 Praha
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
EUROBIT - čerpací stanice s.r.o.
Occurrence of mice excrements
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
798 26 Dřevnovice 24
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Chittussiho nám. 147, 538 42 Ronov nad Doubravou
Occurrence of mice excrements
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
náměstí Aloise Jiráska 270, 549 57 Teplice nad Metují
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Restaurant ORGETREX s.r.o.
tř. Tomáše Bati 1556, 765 02 Otrokovice
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of live mice
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
PS Invest CZ s.r.o.
Restaurant PS Invest CZ s.r.o.
Choustníkovo Hradiště 10, 544 42 Choustníkovo Hradiště
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Strakonická, 156 00 Praha
Occurrence of mice excrements
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
VIMIXA, a.s.
Production VIMIXA, a.s.
K nádraží 252, 664 59 Telnice
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
VRTAL s.r.o.
Wholesale VRTAL s.r.o.
Hrotovická 204, 67401 Třebíč
Occurrence of mice excrements
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Accumulation of waste
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the floor
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Huu Doanh Pham
Retail Huu Doanh Pham
nám. J. Švermy 693, 431 86 Kovářská
Occurrence of mice excrements
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Corrosion of metal construction (shelves)
FRAMYS, spol. s r.o.
Retail FRAMYS, spol. s r.o.
Ke Stadionu 50, 272 01 Kladno
Occurrence of mice excrements
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Restaurant ALEŠ WICKER
Sportovní 326/6, 747 20 Vřesina
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Strongly neglected cleaning
Filth on the walls
Damage of the walls
Damage of the ceiling
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
PANE spol. s r.o.
Production PANE spol. s r.o.
Brodecká 271, 29404 Dolní Bousov
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of insects
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Unavailable warm water supply for washing hands
Occurrence of mould at the premises
Occurrence of mould on the equipment
Occurrence of mould on the walls
Occurrence of mould in cooling equipment
Filth on the floor
Damage of the ceiling
BILLA, spol. s r. o.
Retail BILLA, spol. s r. o.
Makovského náměstí 2574/1, 616 00 Brno
Occurrence of mice excrements
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Filth on the floor
Risk of contamination of foodstuffs due to unsatisfactory premises
Smell on the workshop
ZEPO Bohuslavice, a.s.
Retail ZEPO Bohuslavice, a.s.
549 06 Bohuslavice 67
Occurrence of mice excrements
Occurrence of dead mice
Foodstuffs damaged by pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Filth on the floor
Filth on shelves or equipment
Strongly fouled cooling equipment (no other storing premises available)
Moskevská 901/2, 360 01 Karlovy Vary
Occurrence of mice excrements
Failure to protect premises against the access of pests
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Strongly neglected cleaning
Strong fouling of entire premises
Filth on the walls
Filth on the floor
Damage of the walls
Damage of the ceiling
Smell on the workshop
Kaufland Česká republika v.o.s.
Retail Kaufland Česká republika v.o.s.
Slovenského národního povstání 1081, 537 05 Chrudim
Occurrence of mice excrements
Traces of exposure and occurrence of mice
Filth on the floor