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Thematic controls

Place of inspection: MK Fruit s.r.o.
  Product nameBatchPlace of inspectionProducerReason for non-complianceDateControl
Succeed Country of origin: Jablka   MK Fruit s.r.o.
Olomouc (Blanická 388/6, Olomouc 779 00)
1/1/2022 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 2nd semester 2021/2022
Succeed Country of origin: Czech Republic Jablka   MK Fruit s.r.o.
Olomouc (Blanická 388/6, Olomouc 779 00)
9/1/2021 -
Inspection of fruit and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruit and vegetables for schools" 1st half of 2021/2022
Succeed Country of origin: Czech Republic Jablka   MK Fruit s.r.o.
Olomouc (Blanická 388/6, Olomouc 779 00)
5/3/2021 -
Control of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruit and vegetables for schools" 2nd half of 2020/2021
Succeed Country of origin: MIX (ředkvička, r. cherry, mrkev)   MK Fruit s.r.o.
Olomouc (Blanická 388/6, Olomouc 779 00)
5/3/2021 -
Control of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruit and vegetables for schools" 2nd half of 2020/2021
Succeed Country of origin: Czech Republic Jablka   MK Fruit s.r.o.
Olomouc (Pekařská 348/20, Olomouc 779 00)
2/1/2019 -
Inspection of fruit and vegetables and their products under the School Fruit and Vegetables project
Succeed Country of origin: Czech Republic Hrušky   MK Fruit s.r.o.
Olomouc (Pekařská 348/20, Olomouc 779 00)
2/1/2019 -
Inspection of fruit and vegetables and their products under the School Fruit and Vegetables project
Succeed Country of origin: XXX (unknown) Jablka   MK Fruit s.r.o.
Olomouc (Pekařská 348/20, 77900 Olomouc)
9/1/2018 -
Control of fruit and vegetables and their products within the framework of the "Fruit and vegetables to schools"
Succeed Country of origin: XXX (unknown) Hrušky   MK Fruit s.r.o.
Olomouc (Pekařská 348/20, 77900 Olomouc)
9/1/2018 -
Control of fruit and vegetables and their products within the framework of the "Fruit and vegetables to schools"
Succeed Country of origin: Czech Republic Jablka, odrůda Šampión, I. jakost Datum balení: 7. 5. 2015, IDZ 26 MK Fruit s.r.o.
Šumperk (Žerotínova 400/87, 78701 Šumperk)
na obale: CZ FRUIT, odbytové družstvo, Pláničkova 443/7, Praha 6 5/11/2015 -
Fruits and vegetables in schools