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Thematic controls

Place of inspection: BOVYS, s.r.o.
  Product nameBatchPlace of inspectionProducerReason for non-complianceDateControl
Succeed Country of origin: Spain Rajčata L467 - O+M (S) BOVYS, s.r.o.
Dvůr Králové nad Labem (Máchova 884, Dvůr Králové nad Labem 544 01)
1/1/2024 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 2nd semester 2023/2024
Succeed Country of origin: Poland Jablka L476 BOVYS, s.r.o.
Letohrad (Komenského 269, Letohrad 561 51)
1/1/2024 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 2nd semester 2023/2024
Succeed Country of origin: Belgium Hrušky L476 BOVYS, s.r.o.
Letohrad (Komenského 269, Letohrad 561 51)
1/1/2024 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 2nd semester 2023/2024
Succeed Country of origin: Poland Jablka OVO02A BOVYS, s.r.o.
Litomyšl (Zámecká 496, Litomyšl 570 01)
9/1/2023 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 1st semester 2023/2024
Succeed Country of origin: Poland Jablka OVO02A BOVYS, s.r.o.
Litomyšl (Zámecká 496, Litomyšl 570 01)
9/1/2023 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 1st semester 2023/2024
Failed: rot or mold was detected in 5% of the fruits Country of origin: Greece Pomeranče L275 BOVYS, s.r.o.
Skuteč (Komenského 150, Skuteč 539 73)
rot or mold was detected in 5% of the fruits 1/1/2023 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 2nd semester 2022/2023
Succeed Country of origin: Poland Jablka L275 BOVYS, s.r.o.
Skuteč (Komenského 150, Skuteč 539 73)
1/1/2023 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 2nd semester 2022/2023
Succeed Country of origin: Poland Jablka L454 BOVYS, s.r.o.
Choceň (Mistra Choceňského 211, Choceň 565 01)
9/1/2021 -
Inspection of fruit and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruit and vegetables for schools" 1st half of 2021/2022
Succeed Country of origin: Belgium Hrušky L454 BOVYS, s.r.o.
Choceň (Mistra Choceňského 211, Choceň 565 01)
9/1/2021 -
Inspection of fruit and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruit and vegetables for schools" 1st half of 2021/2022
Succeed Country of origin: Spain Meruňky L369 BOVYS, s.r.o.
Náchod (Příkopy 1186, Náchod 547 01)
5/3/2021 -
Control of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruit and vegetables for schools" 2nd half of 2020/2021
Succeed Country of origin: Spain Mandarinky L290 BOVYS, s.r.o.
Rychnov nad Kněžnou (Javornická 1596, Rychnov nad Kněžnou 516 01)
9/1/2019 -
Inspection of fruit and vegetables and their products in the framework of the project "School fruit and vegetables" 1st half of 2019/2020
Succeed Country of origin: Bulgaria stolní hrozny révy vinné bílé L492 BOVYS, s.r.o.
Dědová (Dědová 40, 53901 Dědová)
9/1/2018 -
Control of fruit and vegetables and their products within the framework of the "Fruit and vegetables to schools"
Succeed Country of origin: Poland jablka L190 BOVYS, s.r.o.
Dědová (Dědová 40, 53901 Dědová)
9/1/2018 -
Control of fruit and vegetables and their products within the framework of the "Fruit and vegetables to schools"
Succeed Country of origin: Spain Mandarinky L190 BOVYS, s.r.o.
Dědová (Dědová 40, 53901 Dědová)
9/1/2018 -
Control of fruit and vegetables and their products within the framework of the "Fruit and vegetables to schools"
Succeed Country of origin: Italia Jablka odrůda Golden delicius   BOVYS, s.r.o.
Štoky (Štoky 516, 58253 Štoky)
5/11/2015 -
Fruits and vegetables in schools
Succeed Country of origin: Italia Jablka odrůda Golden delicius   BOVYS, s.r.o.
Štoky (Štoky 516, 58253 Štoky)
5/11/2015 -
Fruits and vegetables in schools
Succeed Country of origin: Morocco Pomeranče odrůda Maroc-Late   BOVYS, s.r.o.
Štoky (Štoky 516, 58253 Štoky)
5/11/2015 -
Fruits and vegetables in schools
Succeed Country of origin: Morocco Pomeranče odrůda Maroc-Late   BOVYS, s.r.o.
Štoky (Štoky 516, 58253 Štoky)
5/11/2015 -
Fruits and vegetables in schools