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Thematic controls

Controlled entity - City: Skuteč
  Product nameBatchPlace of inspectionProducerReason for non-complianceDateControl
Succeed Country of origin: Používaný fritovací olej   JAN OPLIŠTIL
Skuteč (Palackého náměstí 313, Skuteč 539 73)
2/28/2023 -
Control of frying oils in catering establishments 2023
Failed: rot or mold was detected in 5% of the fruits Country of origin: Greece Pomeranče L275 BOVYS, s.r.o.
Skuteč (Komenského 150, Skuteč 539 73)
rot or mold was detected in 5% of the fruits 1/1/2023 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 2nd semester 2022/2023
Succeed Country of origin: Poland Jablka L275 BOVYS, s.r.o.
Skuteč (Komenského 150, Skuteč 539 73)
1/1/2023 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 2nd semester 2022/2023
Succeed Country of origin: India Sezam loupaný 30.03.2022; Lot: LSSK210443 Emka plus s.r.o.
Skuteč (Smetanova 842, Skuteč 53973)
2/23/2021 -
Check sesame, spices and herbs for ethylene oxide
Failed: ethylene oxide (sum of ethylene oxide and 2-chloroethanol expressed as ethylene oxide) Country of origin: India Sezam bilý 04/2022; LOT NO.:21420 Emka plus s.r.o.
Skuteč (Smetanova 842, Skuteč 53973)
ethylene oxide (sum of ethylene oxide and 2-chloroethanol expressed as ethylene oxide) 11/11/2020 -
Check sesame for ethylene oxide