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Thematic controls

Controlled entity - City: Praha
  Product nameBatchPlace of inspectionProducerReason for non-complianceDateControl
Succeed Country of origin: Flextor Klouby 07.12.2025; L:0712.23 ADVANCE nutraceutics s.r.o.
Praha (Kukulova 24, Praha 169 00)
ADVANCE nutraceutics s.r.o., Kukulova 24, 169 00 Praha 5/13/2024 -
Control of dietary supplements intended for joint nutrition 2024
Succeed Country of origin: KLOUBIN, DOPLNĚK STRAVY, 70 KAPSLÍ 26.03.2026; L: 2603.24 Green Farm Laboratories s.r.o.
Praha (Nademlejnská 600/1, Praha 198 00)
Green Farm Laboratories s.r.o., Nademlejnská 600/1, 198 00, Praha 9 5/13/2024 -
Control of dietary supplements intended for joint nutrition 2024
Failed: chondroitin sulfate Country of origin: MOVit Energy Kloubní výživa, glukosamin + chondroitin premium 07 2025; L216001 EUC Klinika Praha a.s.
Praha (Plaňanská 573/1 , Praha 108 00)
chondroitin sulfate 5/13/2024 -
Control of dietary supplements intended for joint nutrition 2024
Succeed Country of origin: Spirulina BIO 300 tablet, 150g, doplněk stravy 12.9.2025; ZD0949 Aspen team s.r.o.
Praha (Mladoboleslavská 968, Praha 197 00)
4/6/2024 -
Inspection of irradiated foods 2024
Succeed Country of origin: Czech Republic Jablka   OZ BRÁZDA s.r.o.
Praha (Práčská 1885/12, Praha 10600)
1/1/2024 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 2nd semester 2023/2024
Succeed Country of origin: Spain Pomeranče   OZ BRÁZDA s.r.o.
Praha (Práčská 1885/12, Praha 10600)
1/1/2024 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 2nd semester 2023/2024
Succeed Country of origin: Morocco Rajčata   OZ BRÁZDA s.r.o.
Praha (Práčská 1885/12, Praha 10600)
1/1/2024 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 2nd semester 2023/2024
Succeed Country of origin: Jablečná šťáva 100% Rauch   OZ BRÁZDA s.r.o.
Praha (Práčská 1885/12, Praha 106 00)
Rauch 9/1/2023 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 1st semester 2023/2024
Succeed Country of origin: Czech Republic Jablko   OZ BRÁZDA s.r.o.
Praha (Práčská 1885/12, Praha 106 00)
9/1/2023 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 1st semester 2023/2024
Succeed Country of origin: Croatia Mandarinky Ovoce do škol 46/05 ACCOM Czech, a.s.
Praha (Na Pláni 41, Praha 150 00)
9/1/2023 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 1st semester 2023/2024
Succeed Country of origin: Czech Republic Burčák, Muller Thurgau 23-002 Moravský spolek Slovácko
Praha (Nádražní , Praha)
Pavlovín, spol. s.r.o., IČ: 63484633 8/1/2023 -
Inspection of partially fermented grape must (ČZHM) including burčák 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Czech Republic Burčák, odr. SOLARIS 2101 Poctivá restaurace s.r.o.
Praha (Wilsonova 300/8, Praha 120 00)
nedoložen 8/1/2023 -
Inspection of partially fermented grape must (ČZHM) including burčák 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Hungary Burčák 0123bN ZDENĚK SKOŘEPA
Praha (K Austisu , Praha)
dodavatel: Vinařství V & M Zborovský, v.o.s Dlouhá 2, Velké Pavlovice 691 06, IČO: 26951681 8/1/2023 -
Inspection of partially fermented grape must (ČZHM) including burčák 2023
Failed: chondroitin sulfate Country of origin: Flextor klouby, 120 tablet 13.03.2025; L:1303.23 ADVANCE nutraceutics s.r.o.
Praha (Kukulova 24, Praha 169 00)
ADVANCE nutraceutics s.r.o., Kukulova 24, 169 00 Praha chondroitin sulfate 6/5/2023 -
Control of dietary supplements intended for joint nutrition
Failed: glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, vitamin D Country of origin: KLOUBIN, DOPLNĚK STRAVY, 60 KAPSLÍ 18.04.2025; L: 1804.23 Green Farm Laboratories s.r.o.
Praha (Nademlejnská 600/1, Praha 198 00)
glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, vitamin D 6/5/2023 -
Control of dietary supplements intended for joint nutrition
Succeed Country of origin: ARTHRONA 1000-C, doplněk stravy, 120 potahovaných tablet 05/2025; 0504221 Woykoff, a.s.
Praha (Hauptova 594, Praha 156 00)
6/5/2023 -
Control of dietary supplements intended for joint nutrition
Succeed Country of origin: Czech Republic Profi Chondro KLOUBY+KOSTI 19.7.2024; L0423203001017 PRAGOMED, s.r.o.
Praha (Štefánikova 249/28, Praha 150 00)
PRAGOMED s.r.o., Na Hřebenkách 1755/18, 150 00, Praha 5 6/5/2023 -
Control of dietary supplements intended for joint nutrition
Succeed Country of origin: Ingenio Manacas RON EXTRA A?EJO, Rum Alk. 38% 700 ml L22147 Kratochvílovci spol.s r.o.
Praha (V přístavu 1586/2 , Praha 170 00)
Sánches Romate Hnos S.A. Lealas, 26, Jerez De La Frontera, 11404, Espa?a 5/29/2023 -
Control of the content of sweeteners in spirits labeled as RUM
Succeed Country of origin: BACARDÍ AŇEJO CUATRO AGED 4 YEARS, 40% alc./vol.RUM 700 ml L22307 Coca-Cola HBC Česko a Slovensko, s.r.o.
Praha (Českobrodská 1329, Praha 19800)
BACARDI BOTTLING CORPORATION; 12200 MAIN ST N, Jacksonville, FL 32218 USA 5/29/2023 -
Control of the content of sweeteners in spirits labeled as RUM
Succeed Country of origin: CANE ISLAND JAMAICA RUM, 700 ml, 40% vol. LF113121 Global Wines & Spirits s.r.o.
Praha (Sokolovská 100/94 , Praha 186 00)
5/29/2023 -
Control of the content of sweeteners in spirits labeled as RUM
Succeed Country of origin: Gingo Biloba 60mg, 180 tbl, doplněk stravy MA2025; 918326 DAFIT s. r. o.
Praha (U Rakovky 1739/29, Praha 148 00)
Webber Nasturals, Kanada 4/24/2023 -
Control of irradiated foods 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Pepř černý mletý 08.02.2025; 20230208095533 NOGASTO s.r.o.
Praha (Ve Žlíbku 1800/77, Praha 193 00)
Beck Gewürze und Additive GmbH 4/24/2023 -
Control of irradiated foods 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Používaný fritovací olej   ELEVANCE ZONE s.r.o.
Praha (Karlovo náměstí 287/18 , Praha 120 00)
2/28/2023 -
Control of frying oils in catering establishments 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Používaný fritovací olej   ALBA pizza s.r.o.
Praha (Hyacintová 3265/7 , Praha 106 00)
2/28/2023 -
Control of frying oils in catering establishments 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Používaný fritovací olej   VĂN PHÚ NGUYEN
Praha (Pod Karlovem 1574/12 , Praha 120 00)
2/28/2023 -
Control of frying oils in catering establishments 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Používaný fritovací olej   RUMAT Invest s.r.o.
Praha (Radlická 2070/112 , Praha 150 00)
2/28/2023 -
Control of frying oils in catering establishments 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Používaný fritovací olej   Craft Bar s.r.o.
Praha (náměstí Míru 1221/4, Praha 120 00)
2/28/2023 -
Control of frying oils in catering establishments 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Používaný fritovací olej   Kitchen The Address s.r.o.
Praha (28. října 375/9 , Praha 110 00)
2/28/2023 -
Control of frying oils in catering establishments 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Používaný fritovací olej   Lokanta s.r.o.
Praha (Vladislavova 1761/18 , Praha 110 00)
2/28/2023 -
Control of frying oils in catering establishments 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Používaný fritovací olej   HAINAS UNION s.r.o.
Praha (Stroupežnického 516/7 , Praha 150 00)
2/28/2023 -
Control of frying oils in catering establishments 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Používaný fritovací olej   Na golfu s.r.o.
Praha (Myslíkova 1698/18 , Praha 120 00)
2/28/2023 -
Control of frying oils in catering establishments 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Používaný fritovací olej   VOLCANO Grill House s.r.o.
Praha (K sopce 839/30, Praha 15800)
2/28/2023 -
Control of frying oils in catering establishments 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Používaný fritovací olej   VOLCANO Grill House s.r.o.
Praha (K sopce 839/30, Praha 15800)
2/28/2023 -
Control of frying oils in catering establishments 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Používaný fritovací olej   EPHESUS s.r.o.
Praha (Vršovická 839/44 , Praha 101 00)
2/28/2023 -
Control of frying oils in catering establishments 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Czech Republic Muller Thurgau, jakostní 21157/22I28 4HP, spol. s r.o.
Praha (U lužického semináře 100/24, Praha 118 01)
Plněno v: CHATEAU VALTICE - Vinné sklepy Valtice a.s. 1/13/2023 -
Checking the quality and safety of wine in specialized wine shops
Succeed Country of origin: Czech Republic Sakrajda 7/23 Perníčkův sen s.r.o.
Praha (Hejnická 149/35, Praha 190 00)
Perníčkův sen s.r.o., Na Kačence 166/4, Miškovice, 196 00 Praha 9 1/1/2023 -
Inspection of foods marked with the KLASA national quality mark in 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Czech Republic Perník plný radosti lepený džemem 7/23 Perníčkův sen s.r.o.
Praha (Hejnická 149/35, Praha 190 00)
Perníčkův sen s.r.o., Na Kačence 166/4, Miškovice, 196 00 Praha 9 1/1/2023 -
Inspection of foods marked with the KLASA national quality mark in 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Czech Republic Perník plný radosti - čistý (srdce balíček) 10/23 Perníčkův sen s.r.o.
Praha (Hejnická 149/35, Praha 190 00)
Perníčkův sen s.r.o., Na Kačence 166/4, Miškovice, 196 00 Praha 9 1/1/2023 -
Inspection of foods marked with the KLASA national quality mark in 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Czech Republic Perníkové těsto   Perníčkův sen s.r.o.
Praha (Hejnická 149/35, Praha 190 00)
Perníčkův sen s.r.o., Na Kačence 166/4, Miškovice, 196 00 Praha 9 1/1/2023 -
Inspection of foods marked with the KLASA national quality mark in 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Czech Republic Medovník Classic 08-06-2023; DP 08-06-2023 VIZARD s.r.o.
Praha (Donovalská 1725/47, Praha 149 00)
VIZARD s.r.o., Ke Skále1072, 251 68 Kamenice 1/1/2023 -
Inspection of foods marked with the KLASA national quality mark in 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Czech Republic Medovník originál Pikao 09-06-2023; DP 09-06-2023 VIZARD s.r.o.
Praha (Donovalská 1725/47, Praha 149 00)
VIZARD s.r.o., Ke Skále1072, 251 68 Kamenice 1/1/2023 -
Inspection of foods marked with the KLASA national quality mark in 2023
Succeed Country of origin: Czech Republic Jablka   OZ BRÁZDA s.r.o.
Praha (Práčská 1885/12, Praha 10600)
1/1/2023 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 2nd semester 2022/2023
Succeed Country of origin: Greece pomeranče   OZ BRÁZDA s.r.o.
Praha (Práčská 1885/12, Praha 10600)
1/1/2023 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 2nd semester 2022/2023
Succeed Country of origin: Czech Republic Jablko   OZ BRÁZDA s.r.o.
Praha (Práčská 1885/12, Praha 10600)
1/1/2023 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 2nd semester 2022/2023
Succeed Country of origin: Sugar Paste Fondant 11/01/24; L:2414 Apolo77 s.r.o.
Praha (Zenklova 433/25, Praha 180 00)
Productos Kelmy S.A.U., Carretera de Tibi, Km 1,500, 03100 Jijona (A) SPAIN 11/7/2022 -
Control of the presence of dyes in selected foods
Succeed Country of origin: Slovakia Jablko Golden Delicious   Tesco Franchise Stores ČR s.r.o.
Praha (Radlická 186/110, Praha 150 00)
10/1/2022 -
Control of the content of residues of foreign substances in apples
Succeed Country of origin: Slovakia Jablko červené skládané Gala   Tesco Franchise Stores ČR s.r.o.
Praha (Radlická 186/110, Praha 150 00)
10/1/2022 -
Control of the content of residues of foreign substances in apples
Succeed Country of origin: Slovakia Jablko Golden Delicious   Tesco Franchise Stores ČR s.r.o.
Praha (Dělnická 1044/34, Praha 170 00)
10/1/2022 -
Control of the content of residues of foreign substances in apples
Succeed Country of origin: Slovakia Jablko červené skládané Gala   Tesco Franchise Stores ČR s.r.o.
Praha (Dělnická 1044/34, Praha 170 00)
10/1/2022 -
Control of the content of residues of foreign substances in apples
Succeed Country of origin: Jablka   OZ BRÁZDA s.r.o.
Praha (Práčská 1885/12, Praha 10600)
9/1/2022 -
Inspection of fruits and vegetables and their products within the project "Fruits and vegetables for schools" 1st semester 2022/2023