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State of the date 1/31/2023 4/6/2023
Offered food:


Website description:

The website is in Czech language. It is an advertising website presenting a product called Glucobalance, which claims to restore normal sugar levels.

What to watch out for:

1) The product offered gives the impression of being a medicament. However, no such medicament is registered in the Czech Republic. The product Glucobalance is placed on the list of the SIDC website with illegal offers of unauthorised products: https://www.sukl.cz/leciva/webove-stranky-s-nelegalnimi-nabidkami-leciv, which also lists, among other things, food supplements to which therapeutic properties are wrongfully attributed.

2) The website operator uses unfair commercial practices (e.g. falsely stating that a product or service will only be offered for a limited period of time or that will only be offered for a limited period of time under certain conditions in order to induce the consumer to make an immediate decision without giving him/her a reasonable period of time to make an informed decision).

3) The website lacks the mandatory food information under Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011.

4) The website makes so-called “medical claims”, which is contrary to Article 7(3) of Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the provision of food information to consumers, as amended.

5) The website contains information referring to changes in bodily functions that could cause fear in the average consumer, which is contrary to Article 3(e) of Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006.

6) The website refers to the recommendation of an expert who is not listed in Article 11 of Regulation No. 1924/2006, which is violation of Article 12(c) of Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006.

7) Although it is not possible to order the product on the website, the consumer is redirected to the website , where the product can be purchased by clicking on the banner “Special offer” or interactive text “Click here to get top-up funding”.

8) The website includes a Privacy Policy which indicates that the Data Controller is Jayden Carepromotion LLC, located at. 19C Trolley Square, Wilmington, DE, USA 19806, registered in the relevant register under number L20000179832.

9) The internet domain bignews4you.com is registered outside the Czech Republic and the holder of this domain name is a US entity.

10) With regard to the fact that the entity maintaining this internet domain is located outside the Czech Republic, the activities of Czech supervisory authorities towards the operator are very limited.

Reference number: W23-000008-SZPI-CZ