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Konzumní brambory rané

Adulterated food Czech Republic Retail Retail Archive record 10/24/2019
Place of inspection:
Olomouc (Dolní Novosadská 71/63, 77900 Olomouc)
IN: 64636623
Food group: Potatoes / Early potatoes
Konzumní brambory rané
Category: Adulterated food
Unsatisfactory parameter:
hlízy cizích odrůd
odrůdová pravost

Brambory nebyly odrůdy Impala.

[machine translate]
Country of origin: Czech Republic
Date of taking the sample: 6/20/2019
Reference number: 19-000390-SZPI-CZ
Sample was detected by official control of Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority.