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albert Quality Holandské Kakao

Poor quality food Netherlands Retail Retail Archive record 4/4/2016
Place of inspection:
Praha (Radlická 520/117, 15800 Praha)
IN: 44012373
Food group: Cocoa, cocoa mixtures with sugar / Cocoa
albert Quality Holandské Kakao
Category: Poor quality food
Unsatisfactory parameter:

Výrobek obsahoval přídatnou látku (regulátor kyselosti), která nebyla uvedena ve složení na obale.

[machine translate]
Best date: 27.10.2016
Packaging: PET/PE (hnědý sáček s potiskem)
The amount of product in the package: 100 g
Importer: Dodavatel: KÁVOVINY akciová společnost, Jana Palacha 515, Pardubice
Distributor: DC AHOLD
Country of origin: Netherlands
Date of taking the sample: 1/5/2016
Reference number: 16-000179-SZPI-CZ
Sample was detected by official control of Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority.