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Brambory konzumní pozdní, odrůda JELLY

Adulterated food Germany Wholesale Wholesale Archive record 1/12/2016
Place of inspection:
Kunžak (Střížovická 420, 37862 Kunžak)
IN: 00110515
Food group: Potatoes / Ware potatoes
Brambory konzumní pozdní, odrůda JELLY
Category: Adulterated food
Unsatisfactory parameter:
odrůdová pravost

Brambory nebyly odrůdy Jelly.

[machine translate]
Packaging: BIG Back
Distributor: paní Alena Podlesná Import Obst+Gemuse Brichtova 810/14, Praha 5
Country of origin: Germany
Date of taking the sample: 11/30/2015
Reference number: 15-000786-SZPI-CZ
Sample was detected by official control of Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority.