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Adulterated food Production Production Archive record 10/9/2023
Place of inspection:
Hněvotín (Hněvotín 588, 783 47 Hněvotín)
IN: 28962338
Unsatisfactory parameter:
chondroitin sulfát

Obsah látky chondroitin sulfát byl nižší, než bylo uvedeno na obalu.

[machine translate]
Batch: LD 3A3896
Best date: 24012026
Packaging: Papírová sklkádačka + PP dóza
The amount of product in the package: 63 g
Producer: MedicProgress, a.s., Hněvotín 588, Hněvotín 783 47
Distributor: MedicProgress, a.s., Hněvotín 588, Hněvotín 783 47
Date of taking the sample: 6/14/2023
Reference number: 23-000628-SZPI-CZ
Sample was detected by official control of Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority.