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Unsafe food Ukraine Production Production Archive record 8/30/2023
Place of inspection:
Pardubice (Hradišťská 407, Polabiny, 53352 Pardubice)
IN: 27464822
Food group: Meat and meat products / Packaged meat
Kuře bez drobů hluboce mrazené
Category: Unsafe food
Unsatisfactory parameter:
Salmonella Infantis

V hluboce mražených kuřatech byla zjištěna patogenní bakterie Salmonella Infantis. Tato bakterie může způsobit onemocnění zvané salmonelóza.

[machine translate]
Batch: 19.01.2023
Best date: 18.7.2024
Packaging: Plastová fólie
The amount of product in the package: 1,1 kg
Distributor: EU Poultry s.r.o., Horní Saliby, Slovensko, reg. č. SK 10094 ES.
Country of origin: Ukraine
Date of taking the sample: 4/21/2023
Reference number: 23-000017-SVS-CZ
Sample was detected by official control of State Veterinary Administration.