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VIEtnamese longan 1kg

Unsafe food Cambodia Wholesale Wholesale Archive record 11/2/2022
Place of inspection:
Praha (Ve Smečkách 604/5, 110 00 Praha)
IN: 08854815
Food group: Fresh fruit / Tropical fruit
VIEtnamese longan 1kg
Category: Unsafe food
Unsatisfactory parameter:

V potravině byl překročen maximální limit reziduí pesticidů - azoxystrobin dvacetčtyřinásobně a
difenoconazol sedminásobně.

[machine translate]
Packaging: PP perforovaný obal
The amount of product in the package: 1 kg
Importer: MN FOOD s.r.o., Ve Smečkách 604/5, Praha 110 00
Country of origin: Cambodia
Date of taking the sample: 8/25/2022
Reference number: 22-000491-SZPI-CZ
Sample was detected by official control of Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority.