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Maasdam, zrající sýr, blok

Poor quality food Germany Retail Retail Archive record 4/19/2022
Place of inspection:
Jesenice u Prahy (Budějovická 1143, 25242 Jesenice u Prahy)
IN: 26178541
Food group: Milk and milk products / Cheese
Maasdam, zrající sýr, blok
Category: Poor quality food
Unsatisfactory parameter:
sůl (sodík x 2,5)

Obsah soli ve výrobku byl vyšší, než bylo uvedeno na obalu.

[machine translate]
Batch: 4M50
Usability date: 31.03.2022
Packaging: PE/PA
The amount of product in the package: 0,4 kg
Producer: Goldsteig Kaserien Bayerwald GmbH, Siechen 11, D-93413 Cham
Country of origin: Germany
Date of taking the sample: 2/17/2022
Reference number: 22-000111-SZPI-CZ
Sample was detected by official control of Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority.